Victor - 12
Canandaigua - 8
1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Final
3 2 4 3   12
3 1 2 2   8
This is an unofficial score until reported in rSchool

The book for Victor: Dan Barrow (2g), Max Lambert (1a), Mike DeMarco (3g-1a), Ryan Maloney (1g), Patrick Barrow (1a), Eric Haney (2g), Jamie Trimboli (1g-1a), Luke Bartkoski (3g), Goaltending: Justin Young 6s/8ga (48 mins).

The book for Canandaigua: Nick Johnson (1g-1a), Mitchell Schaefer (1g), Ben Smith-Wilcox (1a), Connor Hulme (2g), Eric Munn (2g-1a), Brian Feldman (2g-1a) Goaltending: Jon Gelinas 0s/0ga (1 mins), Tim Rice 9s/12ga (47 mins).


Victor Wins Championship


Victor vs CA

After last year`s heart felt triple overtime loss to the Braves, Victor came to play and defeated Canandaigua 12-8. The Braves led for most of the first quarter. The Blue Devils scored the opening goal of the second quarter to take their first lead of the game and never looked back. Victor never trailed after taking the lead with 7:13 remaining in the first half. Sophomore TD Ierlan finished with another impressive game at the face off draw. He finished at 82% (18/22) with a team leading ten ground balls. He was named to the All-Tournament team for the Blue Devils. Leading the scoring for Victor was the All Tournament MVP sophomore midfielder Mike DeMarco with 3g-1a in today`s contest.

The Braves scored first just 1:56 into play. Attackman Brian Feldman scored the first of his two goals after intercepting a clearing pass from goalie Justin Young. Feldman, who was also named to the All Tournament team, finished the game with 2g-1a. It took six minutes for Victor to tie the game. DeMarco scored his first goal with a drive to the cage and a roll back at GLE. Less than a minute later Canandaigua took the lead back. Feldman made the exact same interception from Young before dumping the ball to Connor Hulme. Young finished with six saves for the Blue Devils. Canandaigua took a two goal lead with a face off fast break. Nick Johnson won the face off and picked up his own ground ball. He passed off to Mitchell Schaefer for his lone goal of the game. Victor scored the last two goals of the quarter to tie the game with only 0:14 remaining in the quarter. Dan Barrow and DeMarco each scored unassisted goals for the Blue Devils.Victor vs CA

Victor scored two goals in the second quarter to take the lead going into halftime. Barrow scored the second of his two goals with an outside shot. The Braves scored tied the game with an outside shot during a man-up situation with 4:54 remaining in the half. DeMarco scored his third and final goal with a drive to cage with 3:21 left in the half. Victor led 5-4 at halftime. Defensively, Jack Callahan had a strong game for the Blue Devils and was named to the All Tournament team. He finished with five ground balls and three takes for Victor. Sophomore defenseman Patrick Barrow was also named to the All Tournament team and finished with six ground balls and one take for the Blue Devils.

Victor`s Jamie Trimboli scored his lone goal with a drive from the top as he beat a triple on the inside to score. Canandaigua scored next after goalie Tim Rice intercepted a pass and sent the ball on a full field clear to Johnson. He took the ball the rest of the way and scored on the fast break. The Blue Devils scored back to back to take a three goal lead. Luke Bartkoski scored his first of three goals with a drive from behind the cage. He was also named to the All Tournament team. Two minutes later and Eric Haney scored on fast break goal. Haney finished today`s game with 2g and was named to the All Tournament team. Canandaigua`s Eric Munn scored the first of his two goals with a dodge straight at the cage. The last goal of the quarter was scored as time expired on a fast break with Bartkoski scoring his second goal. Victor led 9-6 after three quarters.Victor vs CA

Victor never let up the pressure and outscored Canandaigua 3-2 in the final quarter. The Blue Devils scored the first two goals with inside feeds from Trimboli and DeMarco. Bartkoski scored his third and Haney his second for the Blue Devils. As time wound down, the Braves spent a great deal of time in the penalty box. They spent 4.5 minutes of time in the penalty box in the fourth quarter. Connor Hulme scored with an assist from Munn and then Munn scored one of his own to round out the scoring for the Braves. Munn finished with 2g-1a and was named to the All Tournament team. The Blue Devils scored the final goal with Ryan Maloney scoring his first goal in nearly a month (he came off injury this game) with an assist from Max Lambert.

Canandaigua goalie Time Rice played nearly the entire game and recorded 9 saves. Johnson led his team with five ground balls and Munn added four more. Defenseman Joe Eddinger finished with 2 ground balls and 3 takes and was named to the All Tournament team. In addition to those from today`s contest, Trevor Hodgins (Churchville-Chili) was also named to the All Tournament team for his success against Canandaigua in the semi-finals.


Attack: CA – Brian Feldman, CC – Trevor Hodgins, CA – Connor Hulme, Vic – Eric Haney.

Midfield: Vic – Luke Bartkoski, Vic – TD Ierlan, Vic – Eric Munn, CA – Joe Eddinger.

Defense: Vic – Patrick Barrow, Vic – Jack Callahan.

MVP: Midfielder – Vic – Mike DeMarco

Victor vs CA

Game Stats for Victor
Barrow, DanM285
Barrow, PatrickD1
Bartkoski, LukeM364
DeMarco, MikeM31114
Haney, EricA222
Lambert, MaxA153
Maloney, RyanA131
Trimboli, JamieM11102
Barrow, DanM1
Barrow, PatrickD61
Bartkoski, LukeM3
Callahan, JackD53
Collins, KyleA1
DeCarlo, AlecM1
DeMarco, MikeM2
deNormand, AlexD2
Haney, EricA1
Ierlan, T.D.M10172
Kunick, BrandonD11
Lambert, MaxA2
Maloney, RyanA1
Mason, CoryD1
Trimboli, JamieM62
Young, JustinG4
Game Stats for Canandaigua
Feldman, BrianA21
Hulme, ConnorA2
Johnson, NickM11
Munn, EricM21
Schaefer, MitchellM1
Smith-Wilcox, BenA1

Complete Series History since 2003
14 18
  Last Previous Wins
Victor - 12 vs Canandaigua - 10
on 03/29/2014
Canandaigua - 11 vs Victor - 10
on 05/28/2013
 Check Out Full Series Record   

   on 09-28-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.
2014 Results
  03/27 Spen - 6 Vic - 19
  03/29 CA - 10 Vic - 12
  04/01 HFL - 7 Vic - 18
  04/03 Thom - 13 Vic - 9
  04/05 Arc - 6 Vic - 16
  04/08 Vic - 7 IRQ - 6
  04/11 GC - 4 Vic - 22
  04/18 Wayn - 4 Vic - 14
  04/22 Vic - 17 Schr - 1
  04/25 Vic - 14 AQ - 10
  04/28 Vic - 13 R-H - 7
  05/01 Pen - 8 Vic - 12
  05/03 Corn - 15 Vic - 16
  05/08 Pit - 12 OT Vic - 11
  05/15 Vic - 7 Fpt - 11
  05/17 Vic - 11 Bri - 4
  05/21 McQ - 5 Vic - 16
  05/24 Spen - 6 Vic - 19
  05/27 CA - 8 Vic - 12
  05/31 Vic - 10 Hamb - 8
  06/04 Vic - 13 JD - 17
2014 Results
  03/29 CA - 10 Vic - 12
  04/05 CA - 6 C-C - 7 OT
  04/07 CA - 12 Bri - 4
  04/08 CA - 14 HFL - 10
  04/10 CA - 10 Spen - 3
  04/11 McQ - 7 CA - 10
  04/18 CA - 10 PY - 11 OT
  04/22 CA - 10 Thom - 8
  04/24 Fpt - 8 CA - 7
  04/26 Hamb - 9 CA - 11
  04/29 CA - 8 Pen - 7
  05/01 Schr - 3 CA - 10
  05/02 CA - 20 Gen - 7
  05/06 IRQ - 3 CA - 9
  05/08 R-H - 11 CA - 16
  05/15 Pit - 6 CA - 7
  05/21 IRQ - 9 CA - 13
  05/24 C-C - 12 CA - 14
  05/27 CA - 8 Vic - 12

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