
Team Stats

The Head Coach for each team determines which stats will be reported for display on this page. Some coaches display the minimuums, while other post more extensive information. This data is upadted whenever the team reports data or corrections. If you would like to understand how the stats are collected check out Where are my stats?.

Stats for Geneva:   | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |

Geneva - 2007

Current Stat Leaders

Alex Love with 63 goals
Kyle Boncaro with 44 assists
Alex Love with 89 points

Offensive Data

  Player Grade Goals Assts Points
  Augustine, Matt 12 4 2 6
  Bennett, Sean 11 2 1 3
  Boncaro, Kyle 11 42 44 86
  Bonney, Greg 12 38 41 79
  Braman, Sean 12 3 3 6
  DeRaddo, Dave 12 2 2 4
  DiDuro, Gio 12 2 1 3
  DiDuro, Nic 11 2 - 2
  Fili, Anthony 11 11 8 19
  Gringeri, R.J. 12 54 16 70
  Legott, Eric 10 2 5 7
  Love, Alex 10 63 26 89
  Martin, Bobby 10 - 1 1
  Pederson, Eric 12 1 1 2
  Peterson, Eric 12 1 - 1
  Pool, Alex 11 1 - 1
  Rago, Willy 11 15 4 19
  Schutz, Matt 12 - 1 1
  Tapscott, Chris 10 2 - 2
  Torruella, Andy 12 4 7 11
  Travis, Tyler 10 2 9 11
  Warner, Jim 11 28 8 36
  Warner, John 12 28 9 37
  TOTALS REPORTED 307 189 496

Goalie Data

  Player P Sv GA % Min
  Brimm, Kyle 11 36 14 72.0% 152
  Martin, Bobby 10 1 - 100.0% 12
  Reale, Mike 11 6 2 75.0% 36
  Schutz, Matt 12 152 103 59.6% 808
  TOTALS REPORTED 195 119 62.1% 1008

Quarter Scores

  Team 1 2 3 4 OT Tot
  Geneva 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Opponents 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Based on 0 games reported  (23 missing)

Offensive Team Totals

  Team Goals Assists % Assisted Goals Average Goals/Game
  Geneva 307 189 61.6% 13.35
  Opponents 129   5.61
  Based on 23 scores reported

Data through Geneva at Henninger on 03/28/2007
Geneva's current record is 18 wins and 5 losses
    Go to Leader Board

   on 07-17-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.