
Monroe County Awards for 2017

- MC PatchThe All Star list is out recognizing the Monroe County League players for the 2017 season. Senior attackman Brett Randall (Brighton), senior attackman Devin Andrews (Canandaigua) and junior goalie Chayse Ierlan (Victor) were named US Lacrosse All Americans from Monroe County.

Senior attackman Carson Greene (Canandaigua), Fairport senior defenseman Michael Kozar and senior midfielder John Galbraith (Pittsford) along with junior midfielder Garrett Rull (HF-L) were selected as US Lacrosse All-Academics.

The Monroe County Division 1 Players of the Year were Chayse IerlanDevin Andrews and Brett Randall were the Division 2 Co-Players of the Year and the Division 3 Player of the Year was Andrew Doktor from Eastridge. Nominees for the Bob Scott Award were Peter Schwab (Penfield), Connor Haims (Pittsford) and Tyler Bushnell (HF-L).

The Section Five Bob Scott Award winner was Peter Schwarb (Penfield).

The Monroe County Coaches of the Year were Mike Torrelli (Fairport - MC1), Deven York (Canandaigua MC2), and Jack Beaney (HF-L MC3).

The Monroe County Assistant Coaches of the Year were John McGurk (Fairport MC1 and Jake Spadoni (Schroeder MC1), Robin Hulme (Canandaigua MC2) and Jeff Price (HF-L MC3).

The Monroe County Men of the Year were Mike Ierlan (Victor- MC1) and Mark MacNeil (Canandaigua MC2).

Links to the Monroe County Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 lists. 

League Awards for Monroe County - D3

1st Team Attack
 Agness, JonathanSpencerport1st Team Attack 11
 Doktor, AndrewEastridge1st Team Attack 12
 Ehmann, NicholasGates Chili1st Team Attack 12
 Mapstone, AndrewHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Attack 10
 Pluta, CharlieHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Attack 12
1st Team Defense
 Billitier, NickSpencerport1st Team Defense 11
 Bushnell, TylerHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Defense 12
 O`Connell, DavidHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Defense 11
 Parker, CJGates Chili1st Team Defense 12
1st Team Goalie
 Chilano, NicholasGreece Arc_Oly1st Team Goalie 10
1st Team Midfield
 Fagan, DonovanEastridge1st Team Midfield 12
 Kirkpatrick, JarrettGates Chili1st Team Midfield 12
 Roth, JonathanHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Midfield 11
 Ruff, GarrettHoneoye Falls-Lima1st Team Midfield 11
 VanWie, OwenSpencerport1st Team Midfield 11
 Wegman, JoeGreece Ath_Ody1st Team Midfield 11
2nd Team Attack
 Forte, PaulGreece Ath_Ody2nd Team Attack 10
 Hopsicker, JeremyBrockport2nd Team Attack 08
 Nitti, CameronSpencerport2nd Team Attack 11
 Romero, AdrianGreece Arc_Oly2nd Team Attack 11
 Schnauber, MarkSpencerport2nd Team Attack 11
 Stiefel, TylerBrockport2nd Team Attack 12
2nd Team Defense
 Benham, KyleGreece Ath_Ody2nd Team Defense 12
 Birkbeck, RyanSpencerport2nd Team Defense 11
 Millard, HenryHoneoye Falls-Lima2nd Team Defense 11
 Petsos, JustinEastridge2nd Team Defense 12
 Stein, TrevorBrockport2nd Team Defense 12
2nd Team Midfield
 Gibaud, ZackGreece Ath_Ody2nd Team Midfield 12
 Hotchkiss, ParkerHoneoye Falls-Lima2nd Team Midfield 11
 Kaufman, TylerHoneoye Falls-Lima2nd Team Midfield 11
 McHale, MattGreece Arc_Oly2nd Team Midfield 10
 Wiemer, DylanGreece Ath_Ody2nd Team Midfield 12
Honorable Mention Attack
 Kimber, AnthonyEastridgeHonorable Mention Attack 09
 Pearce, ClarkEastridgeHonorable Mention Attack 12
Honorable Mention D-Midfield
 Bauer, RyanSpencerportHonorable Mention D-Midfield 11
Honorable Mention Defense
 Haas, MattHoneoye Falls-LimaHonorable Mention Defense 11
 King, AustinBrockportHonorable Mention Defense 12
 Martello, JPGreece Arc_OlyHonorable Mention Defense 11
 Peters, MatthewGreece Arc_OlyHonorable Mention Defense 11
 Webster, TroyGates ChiliHonorable Mention Defense 12
Honorable Mention Goalie
 Tomaszewski, BenHoneoye Falls-LimaHonorable Mention Goalie 12
Honorable Mention LSM
 Curcio, JoeSpencerportHonorable Mention LSM 11
 Guerrieri, PeterGates ChiliHonorable Mention LSM 12
 Makowski, RyanGreece Ath_OdyHonorable Mention LSM 10
Honorable Mention Midfield
 Fingar, KyleGates ChiliHonorable Mention Midfield 10
 Lehtonen, JackSpencerportHonorable Mention Midfield 11
 Leonardi, NickGreece Arc_OlyHonorable Mention Midfield 08
 McCumber, DaltonGreece Ath_OdyHonorable Mention Midfield 12
 Peindel, PhilEastridgeHonorable Mention Midfield 12
 Santillo, RoccoSpencerportHonorable Mention Midfield 11
 Thayer, SutherlandHoneoye Falls-LimaHonorable Mention Midfield 11



Final League Standings/Awards
 TEAMLeague1st 2nd3rd/HM TOT
1. Honeoye Falls-Lima12-063312
2. Spencerport9-333410
3. Greece Ath_Ody7-51427
4. Gates Chili6-63036
5. Eastridge5-72136
6. Greece Arc_Oly2-101236
7. Brockport1-110314
  TOTAL AWARDS16161951


