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Monday: Victor over Aquinas

Only one game was played on Monday, and Victor was the winner with a 10-7 game at Aquinas. Victor held the lead each quarter, starting with a 3-1 first quarter and a 4-2 half. Junior midfielder Erick Rogemoser (3g-2a) was the leader for the Blue Devils followed by senior middie Kyle Sullivan (1g-3a), senior attackman Cory Benulis (3g), sophomore middie Eric Willman (2g) and freshman attackman Tom Rogemoser (1g). Senior goalie Matt Schmelzlen recorded 15 saves for Victor (2-0).
Aquinas saw goals from junior middie Pat King (3g,2a), junior attackmen Mark Pincelli (2g-1a), David Schmandt (1g) and Nick Vincent (1g). Senior goalie Jason Lashomb made 26 saves for the Little Irish (0-1).
