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2018 Players of the Week Awards List

Player of the Week

During the season noteworthy player efforts are recognized each week.  

There were fifteen players honored in 2018 in six groups. Group six honored Erik Jakobsze (Schroeder), John Mozrall (Pittsford and Kyle Fingar (Gates Chili).  Group five honored Klay Stuver (Fairport) and Chayse Ierlan (Victor). Group four honored Gavin Lathrop (Midlakes) and Joe Wegman (Greece Storm). Group three honored Quinn Simonson (Irondequoit) and Joe Camp (Wayne). Group two honored Brett Cunningham (Gananda) and Caleb Green (Brighton). Group one honored Jack Billitier (McQuaid), Trevor Ford (Thomas), William Fell (Penfield) and Aiden Kenyon (Canandaigua).
