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NYS Quarters: Pittsford Beats OP 16-12


Pittsford took the early 5-2 lead after the first quarter on their way to a 16-12 win over Orchard Park (Section 6). The Panther`s Jonathan Perotto finished with 6g-3a to lead his team. Colby Barker added 4g-2a and Jack Kaufman added 4g. Orchard Park senior midfielder Kevin Goltz finished with 6g to lead the Quakers. Attackmen Jack Crowley added 4a and Kevin McParlane added 3g.

Pittsford vs OP

Pittsford vs OPPittsford`s Perotto scored the opening goal less than one minute into the game with an assist from Barker. The Quakers came back to tie the game 0:29 later with a sweep across the top by Goltz. Goltz and Daniel Krikausky scored eight of the 12 goals for Orchard Park and a majority of them with sweeps across the top of the restraining line. Pittsford scored three goals back to back to take an early 4-1 lead. Owen Smith scored his lone goal with an inside dodge. Four minutes later Brandon Barker set a pick for his brother Colby who scored, unassisted, from near the top of the restraining line. The third goal came with Jake Leve driving from behind the cage and passing across to Jack Kaufman after the slide. Kaufman finished with 4g. Orchard Park finished the contest with four man-up goals and scored their first in the opening quarter with McParlane scoring off a feed from Crowley. The Panthers scored the final goal with an unassisted drive by Perotto with 0:06 remaining in the opening quarter. Pittsford led 5-2 after the half.

Pittsford vs OPThe second quarter was a high scoring quarter with 10 goals (Pittsford 6-4). Kritkausy scored his second with another sweep across the top. McParlane scored an unassisted goal after picking up saved shot on the crease and scoring off the loose ball. The Quakers had the game within one with 10:16 remaining in the half. C. Barker scored another with an outside shot to keep the Panthers in the lead. The teams alternated scoring before Pittsford scored back to back goals to take a three goal lead. The Panthers kept up their scoring with another three goal run after the Quakers scored. Pittsford scored five of the last six goals of the half to lead 11-6 at halftime.

The third quarter started with Orchard Park looking to keep themselves in the contest. The Quakers scored three straight goals with a Broken Clear goal from McParlane (assisted by Crowley) and two man-up goals. Patrick Hylkema scored unassisted and Goltz scored with an assist from Crowley. Crowley's assist came from being the cage and Hylkema's goal came from an interception.

Pittsford vs OPThe teams continued to alternate with Pittsford holding a three goal lead. Orchard Park added another man-up goal and Pittsford scored their only man-up goal of the game with an outside shot from Perotto (assisted by C. Barker). Pittsford scored the last two goals of the quarter to take a 15-11 lead. Perotto and long stick Jared Connors scored the last two for the Panthers. Connors finished with a team leading four ground balls and three takes.

In the fourth quarter each team added a single goal and the Panthers held the ball for the last four minutes. There were multiple penalties to end the game. Barker and Perotto hooked up for the final Panther goal and Goltz and McParlane scored for the Quakers. Face off midfielder Ronald Shul finished at 61% for the Quakers. He also led his team with nine ground balls. McParlane added four and defensemen Joshua Dahl and Griffin Loughran added three each. In the cage for Orchard Park Travis McNichols recorded six saves.

Joining Connors with ground balls for the Panthers were Ryan Fairbrother (3) and Zac Cooley (3). In the cage for the Panthers, Kevin Maguire played the first 15 minutes and recorded two saves. Alec Starr came in during the second quarter and finished the contest. He finished at 50% and recorded seven saves. The Panthers move on to play West Genesee (Section 3) at 5:30 on Wednesday at St. John Fisher.

Pittsford vs OP
