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Livonia-Avon Falls to Aquinas

DAY IN REVIEW: WEDNESDAY - There was only one game played today and Aquinas was the winner.

AQ at Liv-AvonAQUINAS-15 at LIVONIA-AVON-3 - Leading the scoring for Aquinas were sophomore attackman Tano Auriuso (5g-1a) who scored his 5oth career assist, junior attackman Noah Olbrich (3g-3a), and sophomore attackman Jake Guggino (3g-3a), In the goal for Aquinas was sophomore Jake Gibson with 11s/2ga = 85% (24 mins), and sophomore Logan Schimmel with 4s/1ga = 80% (24 mins). Leading the scoring for Livonia-Avon was senior offensiveman A.J. Peri with 2g.  Junior faceoff specialist Joey Cinquino won 9+/2- = 82% for the Lakers who will host Pal-Mac next week. Aquinas will host McQuaid Jesuit on Saturday.   [ BOX SCORE]   - - More images in the photo gallery.
