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Lightning in Double Overtime

In one of the strongest come-backs this season the Greece Arcadia/Olympia Lightning came back from a 9-2 defect to defeated the Greece Athena/Odyssey Thunder 11-10 in double overtime.
The Thunder scored the only four goals of the first quarter. The LIghtning scored their first goal during a 5-on-4 play with an outside shot by Brian Cassidy (from Ron Hatch). Athena scored two more, then after Arcadia scored their second, Athena scored three more. The score was 9-2 with 4:47 left in the half. Arcadia finished up the scoring with one more goal at the end of the half.
Arcadia scored nine of the last ten goals (including the overtime winning goal). Arcadia scored three more in the third to bring the score to 9-6. Athena scored the first goal of the fourth (10-6), but then Arcadia scored four unassisted goals in a row (10:43, 7:57, 5:56 and 4:01) to tied the game at 10. Athena only shot four times in the entire second half (scoring one and missing three). Arcadia shot 28 times in the second half (18 on cage).
The goal was scored in the second overtime with 3:05 remaining as Rob Werner grabbed a ground ball on the crease and forced the ball in low and stick-side.
In the cage, Anthony White 1s/4ga (20%) played the first quarter and Zach Bevilacqua 3s/6ga (33%) finished the game for Greece Arcadia/Olympia (3-12). Dave Tarana played the entire game recording 10s/11ga (48%) for Greece Athena/Odyssey (4-12). This was the final game of the regular season for both teams.
Scoring for Greece Arcadia/Olympia were Rob Werner (4g-1a), Brian Cassidy (3g-1a), Ron Hatch (1g-1a), Jared Frank (1g), Kevin Martin (1g), Frank Slapar (1g) and Kyle Dorman (1a).
Scoring for Greece Athena/Odyssey were Nate Wallenhorst (3g-5a), Jared Bennett (4g), Nick Ryan (2g), Jeremy Fitzgerald (1g-1a) and Joe Prestigiacomo (1a).
