John Price Selected-Local Official to Perth for World Games in 2002
In July U.S. officials were selected for the 2002 World Games scheduled for Perth, Australia in July. The four selected included Section Five official, John Price.
Price has officiated for many years in western New York and has been very active in the WNYLOA, holding many leadership positions, including Interpreter.
Other U.S. Officials selected were: Eric Evans (VT), Greg LaCour (MD) and Mike Ventura (MD).
Alternates will include Dan Coronel (CA), Eric Farno (CT), Tom Carr (AZ), Steve Hinchey (CT), Tom Hoeland (NJ), Steve Walker, Dan Murphy (CT), and Dave Seidman (PA).
The Gala Opening is on Friday July 5, 2002. Games run from Saturday 6th through to the semi-finals on Friday 12th and the Championship final on Sunday 14th.