Mynderse - 11
Marcus Whitman - 12
1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Final
1 2 5 3   11
  Marcus Whitman
1 3 2 5 1 12
This is an unofficial score until reported in rSchool

The book for Mynderse: Will Reese (6g-3a), Ethan Spinner (2g-2a), Owen Lorenzetti (1g-1a), Colby Reese (2g-1a), Darren Miller (1a), Goaltending: Gino Poretta 5s/12ga (48 mins).

The book for Marcus Whitman: Seth Benedict (2g-5a), DeCouteau Blueye (1g-1a), Ryan Herod (3g-1a), Luke McCrobie (1g-1a), Austin Smith (1g), Connor Tomion (4g) Goaltending: Robert Craine 9s/11ga (48 mins).


Marcus Whitman Wins 2nd OT Game in a Row

- Marcus Whitman defeated B-H on Tuesday 12-11 in the first overtime period (HERE).  Tonight, they did it again, this time defeating Mynderse 12-11 in the first overtime period.  Tonight, they fought back with the final two goals of regulation to force overtime.  The Blue Devils held a four goal lead late in the third before Marcus Whitman started a 5 out of 6 goal stretch to tie the game at 9-9 halfway through the fourth.  Connor Tomion scored the final three goals for the Wildcats.  He finished with 4g on the game.

Mynderse opened the scoring with Owen Lorenzetti assisting Colby Reese eight minutes into the game.  The Wildcats responded as time expired in the first quarter.  Ryan Herod scored off a feed from Seth Benedict.  The second quarter started off the same with Will Reese scoring to put the Blue Devils back in the lead.  Marcus Whitman responded with three back to back goals to take their largest lead of the game at 4-2.  Herod scored the third goal of the stretch at 3:53 remaining in the second.  The Wildcats were then held scoreless for 12 minutes.  Mynderse added one goals before the half (still trailing 4-3) and then five to start off the third.

Marcus Whitman scored two goals late in the third to come back within two goals at 8-6 to end three quarters.  Herod scored his third goal of the game to start off the fourth quarter and pull within one.  Mynderse kept pace with one of their own (W. Reese from Ethan Spinner).  This time the Wildcats responded with two to tie the game at 9-9.

Lorenzetti and Spinner scored back to back for the Blue Devils to give them another lead with 4:17 remaining in regulation.  It was their last goal as Tomion scored at 4:04 and 3:43 to tie the game for final time.  Tomion’s game winning goal was 47 seconds into the first overtime period.


Scoring Table

1 - 0103:37MyReese, ColbyLorenzetti, Owen
1 - 1100:01MaHerod, RyanBenedict, Seth
2 - 1207:13MyReese, WillMiller, Darren
2 - 2204:41MaSmith, Austin
2 - 3204:18MaMcCrobie, Luke
2 - 4203:53MaHerod, RyanBenedict, Seth
3 - 4202:24MyReese, ColbyReese, Will
4 - 4310:09MySpinner, EthanReese, Will
5 - 4309:10MyReese, WillReese, Colby
6 - 4307:25MyReese, WillSpinner, Ethan
7 - 4305:04MyReese, WillMiller, Darren
8 - 4304:28MyReese, Will
8 - 5303:06MaTomion, ConnorBenedict, Seth
8 - 6301:27MaBenedict, Seth
8 - 7411:12MaHerod, RyanMcCrobie, Luke
9 - 7408:13MyReese, WillSpinner, Ethan
9 - 8408:01MaBenedict, Seth
9 - 9407:37MaBlueye, DeCouteauHerod, Ryan
10 - 9405:56MyLorenzetti, OwenReese, Will
11 - 9404:17MySpinner, Ethan
11 - 10404:04MaTomion, ConnorBenedict, Seth
11 - 11403:43MaTomion, ConnorBlueye, DeCouteau
11 - 12503:13MaTomion, ConnorBenedict, Seth
Game Stats for Mynderse
Franzone, SalD11
Lorenzetti, OwenA1172
Miller, DarrenM11
Reese, ColbyA2153
Reese, WillA63118
Spinner, EthanM2286
Dickson, ColeD2
Franzone, SalD52
Larizza, DylanM21214
Lorenzetti, OwenA3
Lorenzetti, SamM1
McDermott, MaxLSM1
Medina, JoseM1
Miller, DarrenM4
Montgomery, ZachM2
Reardon, MattM1
Reese, WillA42
Spinner, EthanM2
Stevers, PeytonD1
Game Stats for Marcus Whitman
Benedict, SethM2552
Blueye, DeCouteauA1131
Herod, RyanM3175
McCrobie, LukeA1111
Murphy, KyleM33
Smith, AustinD111
Tomion, ConnorA454
Benedict, SethM4
Blueye, DeCouteauA1
Craine, RobertG1
Herod, RyanM1
Lahue, JordanD43
Lovejoy, ZackD2
McCrobie, LukeA151413
Murphy, KyleM1
Smith, AustinD2

Complete Series History since 2009
15 13
  Last Previous Wins
Mynderse - 15 vs Marcus Whitman - 11
on 04/25/2019
Marcus Whitman - 7 vs Mynderse - 6
on 05/05/2015
 Check Out Full Series Record   

   on 03-12-2025
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.
2019 Results
  03/22 B-H - 5 Myn - 14
  03/26 Eastr - 3 Myn - 14
  03/27 WGlen - 5 Myn - 17
  04/02 P-M - 15 Myn - 3
  04/11 Myn - 4 Gen - 19
  04/23 Gan - 2 Myn - 12
  04/25 Myn - 15 MW - 11
  04/27 Mid - 15 Myn - 2
  04/30 Wayn - 13 Myn - 11
  05/02 Myn - 10 New - 6
  05/03 Myn - 14 Wat - 10
  05/07 Myn - 9 Mid - 13
  05/09 Myn - 9 Liv-Av - 13
  05/11 Myn - 16 BAND - 1
  05/14 Gan - 3 Myn - 9
  05/16 MW - 12 OT Myn - 11
  05/22 Myn - 8 MW - 14
2019 Results
  04/02 B-H - 7 MW - 12
  04/04 MW - 3 Gen - 18
  04/06 MW - 13 New - 1
  04/09 Gan - 5 MW - 12
  04/11 BAND - 0 MW - 19
  04/13 MW - 4 Wayn - 17
  04/25 Myn - 15 MW - 11
  04/30 P-M - 20 MW - 4
  05/02 MW - 16 Wat - 8
  05/04 MW - 8 Storm - 15
  05/07 MW - 9 Liv-Av - 15
  05/10 MW - 10 WGlen - 6
  05/14 B-H - 11 MW - 12 OT
  05/16 MW - 12 OT Myn - 11
  05/17 Eastr - 8 MW - 15
  05/22 Myn - 8 MW - 14
  05/25 MW - 8 P-M - 22

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