300 Wins Club

Winning two hundred games in a career is an unusual feat, but winning over three hundred games is quite rare.

Leading the Section V wins list is former Irondequoit Coach, John Pratt, who in 28 seasons won 431 games for the Indians/Eagles. Former Fairport Coach Randy Garrett is in the second spot with 371 wins in 24 season and Fairport and 4 more at Thomas. Rounding out the '300 Club' is former Canandaigua Coach John Johnson who in 26 seasons won 357 games for the Braves.

Pratt - Garrett - Johnson

Coach Team Wins Current

  300 Club
John PrattIrondequoit431
Randy GarrettFairport371
John JohnsonCanandaigua357
Brian HobartPenn Yan307Y

  200 Club
Harry QueenerPenn Yan289
Mark RicePenfield266
Mike TorrelliFairport263Y
Rob RullerThomas253Y
Al HenryMynderse253
John NattiGeneva243
Andrew WhipplePittsford237Y
Joe HillPal-Mac214Y
Earnie LisiIrondequoit211

  Century Club
Paul WilsonPittsford195
LJ RussellGeneva194
John SchembriPenfield172Y
Ed MulheronCanandaigua160
Ken DiDomineckHaverling151Y

  Data Unavailable
Vern BabcockIrondequoit
Larry RussellWaterloo
Joe CorcorcanCorning East
Jim SlusarskiFairport
Jack McDonaldGeneva
Tom MutchPenfield
Dick YoungR-H Sperry
Jim CoxRush-Henrietta
Gary DeWallWaterloo


The Information presented on this page comes from a variety of sources including game reports, League Chairmen, Coaches and local media.
