
Team Stats

The Head Coach for each team determines which stats will be reported for display on this page. Some coaches display the minimuums, while other post more extensive information. This data is upadted whenever the team reports data or corrections. If you would like to understand how the stats are collected check out Where are my stats?.

Stats for Livonia-Avon:   | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |

Livonia-Avon - 2018

Current Stat Leaders

Ryan Lambert with 51 goals
Cullen Coons with 25 assists
Ryan Lambert with 66 points

Offensive Data

  Player Grade Goals Assts Points
  Adams, Nate 12 5 3 8
  Atwood, Robert 12 7 8 15
  Carrick, Michael 10 3 1 4
  Clarke, Reverdy 10 24 9 33
  Coons, Cullen 12 16 25 41
  Genthner, Nathan 11 1 - 1
  Haugh, Ryan 10 13 21 34
  Lambert, Ryan 11 51 15 66
  Miller, A.J. 9 3 2 5
  Naulls, Da`Vique 12 2 1 3
  Sauter, Aiden 11 20 13 33
  Smith, Joel 10 4 3 7
  Wigley, Ryan 11 - 1 1
  TOTALS REPORTED 149 102 251

Goalie Data

  Player P Sv GA % Min
  Hill, Christian 12 136 203 40.1% 771
  TOTALS REPORTED 136 203 40.1% 771

Quarter Scores

  Team 1 2 3 4 OT Tot
  Livonia-Avon 50 29 43 22 1 145
  Opponents 45 63 35 42 1 186
  Based on 16 games reported  (1 missing)

Offensive Team Totals

  Team Goals Assists % Assisted Goals Average Goals/Game
  Livonia-Avon 150 102 68.0% 8.82
  Opponents 203   11.94
  Based on 17 scores reported

Data through Rush-Henrietta at Livonia-Avon on 03/24/2018
Livonia-Avon's current record is 6 wins and 11 losses
    Go to Leader Board

   on 07-17-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.