
Team Stats

The Head Coach for each team determines which stats will be reported for display on this page. Some coaches display the minimuums, while other post more extensive information. This data is upadted whenever the team reports data or corrections. If you would like to understand how the stats are collected check out Where are my stats?.

Stats for East United-Eastridge:   | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |

East United-Eastridge - 2024

Current Stat Leaders

Jahyden Maiorani with 45 goals
Nkodia Ndongala with 14 assists
Jahyden Maiorani with 55 points
Nkodia Ndongala with 112 gbs
Briyceton Thomas with 27 takes

Offensive Data

  Player Gr Sht On G A Pt
  Brockman, Cole 10 - - - - 0
  Brown, Latoine 10 - - 15 5 20
  Brown, Taye 9 - - - - 0
  Cora, Wally 12 - - 1 1 2
  Dietz, Ronald 12 - - - - 0
  Feliciano, Rhyzear 12 - - - - 0
  Flannery, Colton 11 - - 2 - 2
  Fulton, Foxx 11 - - 3 1 4
  Hart, John 9 - - 9 2 11
  Hawk, Casey 11 - - - - 0
  Kelley, Edward 12 - - 3 3 6
  LaRussa, Frank 12 - - - - 0
  Madison, Jordan 11 - - 1 1 2
  Maiorani, Jahyden 9 - - 45 10 55
  Mewborn, Xavier 12 - - - - 0
  Miano, Ian 10 - - - - 0
  Naoum, Georges 12 - - 4 1 5
  Ndongala, Nkodia 12 - - 18 14 32
  Okeefe, Remy 12 - - - - 0
  Pope, Elijah 10 - - - - 0
  Reynolds, Quamere 11 - - - - 0
  Ricketts, Tahir 12 - - - - 0
  Rodriguez, Jordan 11 - - 2 2 4
  Schneeberger, Ian 11 - - - - 0
  Thomas, Briyceton 9 - - 3 1 4
  Tucker, Jeremiah 11 - - 13 6 19
  Verna, Josh 11 - - 11 4 15
  Wright, Ethan 12 - - - - 0
  Yaseen, Ali 12 - - - - 0
  TOTALS 0 0 130 51 181
  Averages  ( FullStat reports: 17 ) 0.0 0.0 7.6 3.0 10.6

More Data

  Player Gr Sht On %On GB Tk
  Brockman, Cole 10 - - - 1 -
  Brown, Latoine 10 - - - 36 3
  Brown, Taye 9 - - - 18 2
  Cora, Wally 12 - - - 5 1
  Dietz, Ronald 12 - - - 26 1
  Feliciano, Rhyzear 12 - - - 3 -
  Flannery, Colton 11 - - - 14 3
  Fulton, Foxx 11 - - - 9 -
  Hart, John 9 - - - 5 1
  Hawk, Casey 11 - - - - 1
  Kelley, Edward 12 - - - 5 -
  LaRussa, Frank 12 - - - 2 1
  Madison, Jordan 11 - - - 2 -
  Maiorani, Jahyden 9 - - - 48 23
  Mewborn, Xavier 12 - - - 7 -
  Miano, Ian 10 - - - 2 -
  Naoum, Georges 12 - - - 21 5
  Ndongala, Nkodia 12 - - - 112 3
  Okeefe, Remy 12 - - - 1 -
  Pope, Elijah 10 - - - 10 3
  Reynolds, Quamere 11 - - - 3 1
  Ricketts, Tahir 12 - - - 13 9
  Rodriguez, Jordan 11 - - - 3 -
  Schneeberger, Ian 11 - - - 19 4
  Thomas, Briyceton 9 - - - 44 27
  Tucker, Jeremiah 11 - - - 16 2
  Verna, Josh 11 - - - 18 6
  Wright, Ethan 12 - - - 1 -
  Yaseen, Ali 12 - - - 7 1
  TOTALS REPORTED 0 0 0.0 451 97
  Average/Game  ( FullStat reports: 17 ) 0.0 0.0   26.5 5.7

Goalie Data

  Player P Sv GA % Min
  Dietz, Ronald 12 116 91 56.0% 574
  Vega, Andrew 11 1 4 20.0% 12
  Wright, Ethan 12 37 40 48.1% 232
  TOTALS REPORTED 154 135 53.3% 818

Face Off Data

  Player Gr P FO+ FO- W%
  Brockman, Cole 10 M - 8 0.0%
  Cora, Wally 12 D 11 16 40.7%
  Mewborn, Xavier 12 M 10 11 47.6%
  Ndongala, Nkodia 12 M 149 99 60.1%
  Thomas, Briyceton 9 D 1 2 33.3%
  TOTALS REPORTED  ( FullStat reports: 17 ) 0 0 0.0%

Quarter Scores

  Team 1 2 3 4 OT Tot
  East United-Eastridge 40 24 36 23 0 123
  Opponents 31 35 29 33 1 129
  Based on 16 games reported  (1 missing)

Shooting Data

Offensive Team Totals

  Team S SOn %SOn % G/
% G/
  East United-Eastridge 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
  Based on 17 FullStat reports
  Team Goals Assists % Assisted Goals Average Goals/Game
  East United-Eastridge 130 51 39.2% 7.65
  Opponents 135   7.94
  Based on 17 scores reported

FullStat Team Defensive Totals

  Team GBS Takes % FO
% Good
Pen Pen Time EMO MDD
  East United-Eastridge 451 97 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.00 0/0 0/0
  Opponents 0.0% 0 0.00 0/0 0/0
  Based on 17 FullStat reports

Data through East United-Eastridge at Newark on 03/26/2024
East United-Eastridge's current record is 11 wins and 6 losses
    Go to Leader Board

   on 07-16-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.