
Team Stats

The Head Coach for each team determines which stats will be reported for display on this page. Some coaches display the minimuums, while other post more extensive information. This data is upadted whenever the team reports data or corrections. If you would like to understand how the stats are collected check out Where are my stats?.

Stats for Arc/Oly:   | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |

Arc/Oly - 2009

Current Stat Leaders

Brandon Wood with 25 goals
Kendrick Heintzelman and Robert Kitchen with 16 assists
Robert Kitchen with 36 points

Offensive Data

  Player Grade Goals Assts Points
  Dyer, Tom 12 - 1 1
  Fischer, Richard 10 12 3 15
  Guido, Chris 12 2 - 2
  Heintzelman, Kendrick 11 16 16 32
  Hueber, Joshua 12 1 - 1
  Kitchen, Robert 9 20 16 36
  Lenz Emmi, Dustin 11 9 6 15
  Malovics, Joe 12 8 6 14
  Powlowski, David 9 10 5 15
  Slapar, Billy 11 6 2 8
  Spallone, Anthony 12 2 - 2
  Wood, Brandon 12 25 8 33
  TOTALS REPORTED 111 63 174

Goalie Data

  Player P Sv GA % Min
  Edwards, David 10 7 10 41.2% 39
  Phillips, Keifer 11 89 98 47.6% 328
  Trost, Shane 9 103 116 47.0% 401
  TOTALS REPORTED 199 224 47.0% 768

Quarter Scores

  Team 1 2 3 4 OT Tot
  Arc/Oly 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Opponents 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Based on 0 games reported  (16 missing)

Offensive Team Totals

  Team Goals Assists % Assisted Goals Average Goals/Game
  Arc/Oly 111 63 56.8% 6.94
  Opponents 226   14.12
  Based on 16 scores reported

Data through Brockport at Arc/Oly on 03/28/2009
Arc/Oly's current record is 4 wins and 12 losses
    Go to Leader Board

   on 07-17-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.