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SportsFive.NET Clinic for Statisticians a Success

- Kyle Barrett and Paul Wilson presented the SportsFive.NET third annual clinic for team statisticians today at the Pittsford Community Library.

Twenty-three people attended the learning session, representing ten Section Five teams. Most teams sent "statistician teams" to learn the rules and procedures for documenting lacrosse games.

Attendees began the evening session with a brief overview of the job of a statistician. "We have an ethical duty to record an accurate history of what took place," said Paul Wilson, SportsFive creator and one of the clinic presenters. Kyle Barrett, a long-time writer and statistician for SportsFive gave many examples of "real-game" issues while determining stats at games.

Ten Section Five teams were represented. Participants learned about duties, definitions, mechanics and reporting. Each participant walked away with disks containing forms, manual and notes.
