- First Posted: 2009-03-19
- Updated: 2018-09-28 03:20:08
Team Page Advertisements Available Now
As the 2009 Scholastic season is about to begin, SportsFive is once again, offering boosters, parents, fans and companies the opportunity to buy an ad on individual team pages.
"A number of teams have used this opportunity to make a few dollars for their program ", said SportsFive owner Paul Wilson. "In a few cases, one team wanted to buy the ad space for another team, but it seems that they wanted to sell the ads to companies renting out-houses!"
The rate for each team ad this year is $200, which is $50 less than last year. "Given the state of the economy, it's been harder to raise money this year, but our costs continue to rise," said SportsFive owner, Paul Wilson.
In another change in the program this year, up to two ads per team page will be allowed this year.
The ads appear on the individual team page, as well as their schedule, results and stat pages and the ads remain until the end of December. There are standards for what can be displayed or advertised, so people interesting in supporting their teams and SportsFive should contact Paul Wilson for details.
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