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Lightning Defenseman Jacob Corcoran to Seton Hill

Jacob CorcoranJacob Corcoran, a senior defender for Greece Lightning, signed his national letter of intent on November 7, 2015 and plans to continue his education while playing for Head Coach Brian Novotny at Seton Hill University. Seton HIll is currently ranked #7 in the nation in Div. II.

Jacob was an all-county 1st Team defenseman in 2015, a2nd team defenseman in 2014, and honorable mention in 2013. In the off season, Jacob has played with Low and Away Lacrosse Club in Lancaster, PA Under Coach Chris Nicodemi, and in 2015 with Flyers under Coach Rob Randall. Previously he played for Sweetlax, Blaze and Western Royals. He was also a Brine National High School All American for two years.

Before choosing Seton HIll he considered St. Joseph's, Mount St. Mary's, and Salisbury.
