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2 articles found.
# 1630 Saturday: Last Weekend in Regular
It was the last weekend in the regular season and many games were played early to accommodate preparations for proms and balls. Pittsford nearly spoiled Penfield's undefeated season for the second year in a row. Schroeder won a big win against Amherst of Section Six and Brighton had a close win with Churchville-Chili. Meanwhile, Hilton and Spencerport combined for 32 goals in their game. Read More...
# 1596 Tuesday: Spring Weather at Last
Livonia increased their record to one win one loss with a thrilling 11-10 sudden victory double overtime win over Haverling at Saunders field. The winning goal was scored on an isolation play by senior midfielder Josh Hendrickson with 2:27 left in the second overtime period. Read More...
on 02-16-2025
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