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Search results for: Josh Hauman
2 articles found.


# 2859  Schroeder Wins in Overtime

Schroeder improved to 5-4 with an overtime win against Penfield 8-7.  Nick Hauman scored the winning overtime goal for Schroeder.  This is the second game of the season where the Patriots have lost in overtime.  Schroeder came to dominate the first half before Penfield began a comeback in third quarter.

# 2847  Schroeder and Canandaigua Win in Close Ones

Thursday: DAY IN REVIEW: With 0:17 left in the first overtime period, senior midfielder Noah Germano scored to give the Warriors a 14-13 victory over Wayne. Josh Hauman led Schroeder with 5g-2a and Cole Bolin added 3g-2a. Andy Hamel (5g-1a) and John Reagan (2g-5a) led the Wayne offense. Wayne was the last undefeated team in the section.


   on 07-17-2024
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