STATISTICS over the last 4 years
 Class - C C C
 Final Record - 14-5 12-6 9-8
 Pre-tournament - 12-4 11-5 8-7
 Tournament Finish - 2 3 4
 Tournament Seed - 3 2 4
 Seeding Points - 94 86 68
 Seeding Average - 5.875 5.375 4.533
End of Year (Full Year) Scoring Data
   Goals Scored - 239 227 167
   Goals Average - 12.58 12.61 9.82
   Goals Against - 126 142 127
   GA Average - 6.63 7.89 7.47
Pre-Tournaments Scoring Data
   Goals Scored - 201 202 143
   Goals Average - 12.56 12.62 9.53
   Goals Against - 111 126 107
   GA Average - 6.94 7.88 7.13
 Section 5 Offense - 3 6 15
 Section 5 Defense - 8 15 13
 League Finish Position - 1 2 5
 League First Team - 5 3 1
 League Second Team - 3 4 1
 NYS Poll (final) - C-HM C-HM
 Laxpower Rank (final) -
 Laxpower SOS -
Section Five Offense and Defense are based on regular season numbers (pre-tournaments)

defense 2019

offense 2019
   on 06-16-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.


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