Donations Gratefully Accepted

For more than seven years, we provided information to the lacrosse fans of Section Five completely at our own expense.

As Sportsfive has grown, so has the cost of providing the information. The costs of web hosting has, over this time, increased as a result of our success. Last year we had the distinction of being the the definitive place for Section Five lacrosse after moving to an even larger and faster server.

Through our arrangement with Paypal we can accept donations on-line. If you have a Paypal account, donations are secure and easy. If you don't have a Paypal account can create an account OR simply and safely use your credit card.

If you, or your Booster Club would prefer to donate by check and help us even more by saving our Paypay expense, please send your donation to:


Paul Wilson
16 Thornwood Circle
Pittsford, NY 14534


If you have questions, please contact us at wilson email