STATISTICS over the last 4 years
 ClassC C C C
 Final Record17-2 13-5 13-4 15-4
 Pre-tournament15-1 12-4 13-3 13-3
 Tournament Finish2.0 4 12 4
 Tournament Seed2 4 5 5
 Seeding Points108 87 91 80
 Seeding Average6.750 5.437 5.687 5.000
End of Year (Full Year) Scoring Data
   Goals Scored 289 234 217 276
   Goals Average15.21 13.00 12.76 14.53
   Goals Against135 124 95 96
   GA Average7.11 6.89 5.59 5.05
Pre-Tournaments Scoring Data
   Goals Scored 252 216 210 240
   Goals Average15.75 13.50 13.12 15.00
   Goals Against102 102 80 73
   GA Average6.38 6.38 5.00 4.50
 Section 5 Offense1 3 2 1
 Section 5 Defense5 5 3 3
 League Finish Position1 2 1 2
 League First Team 4 4 4 4
 League Second Team 4 5 7 3
 NYS Poll (final) 10 - -
 Laxpower Rank (final) 362 504 457 164
 Laxpower SOS 86.47 86.84 85.37 87.68
Section Five Offense and Defense are based on regular season numbers (pre-tournaments)

defense 2019

offense 2019
   on 01-10-2025
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.


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