SportsFive.NET to offer Clinic for Statisticians


statisticiansKyle Barrett and Paul Wilson will once again offer a clinic for team statisticians. This year the clinic will be held on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:30 PM at the Pittsford library.

This is an opportunity to learn how to keep lacrosse stats and how to create "Full Stats" for games played in Section Five.

Last year, more than ten teams were represented. Participants learned about duties, definitions, mechanics and reporting. Each participant walked away with disks containing forms, manual and notes.

The clinic is free, but registration is requested as materials will be created for the number attending. The clinic is open to the public, but each person should register.

2011 Clinic for Statisticians

Date: Thursday, March 3rd

Time: 7:30 PM

Place: Pittsford Community Library (Fisher Meeting Room)

Map:  Map Link








