GRALL Constitution
January 1, 2006 - The Greater Rochester Area Lacrosse League Constitution was adopted in 2004.
For the Greater Rochester Area
Lacrosse League (GRALL)
Article I — Name
This organization of public and parochial high schools shall be known as the Greater Rochester Area Lacrosse League (GRALL).
Article II — Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct adopted by the GRALL will be that of the State Athletic Association and of Section V.
Article III — Purpose and Objectives
A. The purposes of the league are:
1.To encourage, promote, and provide interscholastic competition to boy’s lacrosse teams in Section V that do not currently have a League affiliation. Competition will be provided at the varsity, junior varsity, and modified levels.
2. To provide a league championship, and all star recognition for the athletes participating in this league at the varsity level.
3. To promote, encourage, and strengthen practices of good sportsmanship and mutual respect among students, teams, coaches, schools and communities.
B. The objectives of this league are:
1. To provide an organized governing body that establish rules and regulations for the conduct of interscholastic competition; such rules and regulations to be in conformance with those of the Commissioner of Education, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, and the Section V Athletic Association.
2. To sponsor and schedule interscholastic competition in the fairest and most equitable manner possible.
3. To provide appropriate enforcement mechanisms within legitimate oversight and review processes, to see that its purposes and objectives are carried out.
Article IV — Membership
A. Members of this league will include Aquinas, Haverling-Haverling, Livonia and McQuaid Jesuit
1. Annual dues for original members will be $100.00 per year and will be used to purchase trophies and awards.
B. Associates members; shall be those districts that have been admitted after the formation of the original league.
1. Associate members are welcome and encouraged, and will be accepted by a vote of at least two thirds majority of the regular members (3 out of 4 originally).
2. League dues for associate members will be $150.00 until which time they are granted regular membership.
3. The probationary period for associate members shall be two years, at the end of which time they will be accepted as a regular member in good standing by a vote of at least two thirds majority (3 out of 4 originally).
4. Participation in the league schedule (and championship), and All-star recognition will be the same as regular members during the probationary period.
C. Requests for associate membership requires that:
1. The school must be a member in good standing of the NYSPHSAA and Section V.
2. The school must complete an associate membership application by the end of the preceding years lacrosse season before being accepted.
3. The application must be signed by the school’s Superintendent, High School Principal and Athletic Director.
D. Sanctions
1. Any member or associate member of the league found guilty of violating the Constitution, written requirements of the State Board of Regents, Commissioner of Education, the NYSPHSAA, Section V, or the League, may be penalized up to and including Suspension or membership in the League.
2. Such suspension will require a two thirds majority of the voting Schools (originally 2 of 3, the involved school abstaining). All voting by written ballot signed by the Head Lacrosse Coach, Athletic Director, High school Principal and superintendent.
Article V — Governance
A. The governing body of the GRALL will meet biannually, in a public place, once just prior to and again at the conclusion of each lacrosse season.
B. The governing body of the league shall consist of the Head Boy’s Lacrosse Coach of each of the member schools.
C. As the governing body of the league the coaches will take action on all matters pertaining to the league to insure that the league’s purposes and objectives are met in a manner that best represents the integrity of the sport of lacrosse. League meetings should include, scheduling, officiating, league championships, all-star teams, man of the year, assistant coach of the year, budget discussions and votes, new member applications and setting meeting dates.
D. The fiscal year of the league shall be from July 1 to June 30.
E. Meeting procedures and voting.
1. The President will call all meetings, with an agenda to be provided at the meeting.
2. A quorum for a meeting is two thirds of the members present.
3. Unless otherwise specified, all votes taken on any matter before the governing body will be by simple majority.
4. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time due to a request by a member. The meeting may be actual, by telephone or e-mail.
Article VI — Amendment of the Constitution and Governing Policies
A. Changes and additions to this constitution or any attachments listed in Article XI can only be initiated and acted upon by members of the League.
B. Amendment procedures:
1. A proposed amendment must be in writing signed by the Chief School Officer, the High School Principal, and the Athletic Director at least 30 days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting.
2. The proposed amendment will be discussed at the following regular meeting with input from all members schools.
3. The proposed amendment will be acted upon at that meeting if all members agree to put the amendment to a vote. If they do not agree it will be tabled until the next regular meeting.
4. The proposed amendment will be approved or disapproved by a simple majority vote (originally 3 of 4 schools).
Article VII — Officers
A. The league association shall consist of the Head Boy’s Lacrosse Coach from each of the member schools.
B. The President of the League will be an active Head Lacrosse Coach chosen by the membership for a term of one year. It is the President’s duty to:
1. Call meetings of the association.
2. Preside over regular and special league meetings, and provide an agenda for those meetings.
3. Serve as the official contact for the league with the Sect. V lacrosse chairperson, and with US Lacrosse.
4. Serve as the eligibility officer for the league.
C. The Secretary of the League will be an active Head Lacrosse Coach chosen by the membership for a term of one year. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
1. To maintain accurate minutes for each the meeting.
2. Distribute appropriate copies of minutes and other communications to the members.
D. The Treasurer of the league will be a Head Lacrosse Coach chosen by the membership for a term or one year. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
1. Receive and handle all funds of the league.
2. Establish and maintain complete and accurate records of receipts and expenditures including invoices.
3. Bill each member for dues.
4. Serve as purchasing agent for the League, for all trophies awards and certificates.
5. Prepare a year-end financial statement to be presented at the next years preseason meeting.
Article VIII — Penalties
A. Consistent with ethical standards, the prompt reporting of any infraction shall be made to the league President in writing.
B. If a school uses an ineligible student in any interscholastic contest, such content shall be forfeited to the opposing school. All matters of eligibility shall be submitted to section V, and the NYSPHSAA, which holds original jurisdictional responsibility.
C. For any violation of the eligibility or sports standards, a school, or school authority my be censured, placed on disciplinary probation or suspended by the league. This shall occur by a two thirds vote of the governing body.
Article IX — Appeals
A. The League appeal process provides the means to review all matters of complaint or conflict between League members.
B. All appeals must be submitted to the President in writing, setting forth the facts for appeal and stating a specific request for relief. The appeal must be postmarked within 5 days of the original decision. The appeal must be signed by the Chief school Officer, High School Principal and the Athletic Director.
1. Appeal procedure:
a. Notification to President.
b. Special meeting shall be called by the President.
c. Appeal shall be discussed by the governing body.
d. Vote to accept the appeal will be by two thirds majority.
e. If the appeal have been accepted by the governing body it then goes to Section V. Section V may over rule the decision if their penalty of more stringent.
Article X — Finances
A. The League shall have two sources of income.
1. Annual dues
a. Dues will be set by the league.
b. Dues shall be paid no later than March 1st.
c. Currently dues are:
1) League members $100.00.
2) Associate members $150.00.
2. Fund raisers, such as the sales, or fund raising events.
3. Funds will be used for the purchase of trophies, awards and certificates.
Article XI — League Mergers, Alignments, Schedules, and All-Star Teams
A. All league mergers shall be listed in an amendment to the constitution (article XII) and shall include all rules, regulations and governance pertaining to the new league.
B. League divisions, should they become necessary, will be voted on by the governing body, by a two thirds majority vote.
C. The league schedule shall be drawn up each year by the Head Lacrosse Coaches that make up the Governing body.
D. Originally the All-Star Lacrosse Team for the league will be called “The Super 16”. It will include 5 attackmen, 5 midfielders, 5 defensemen, and one goal keeper. Other notable performers will be listed as “honorable mentions”. Face off specialists will be listed as midfielders. Long stick midfielders will be listed with defensemen. All all-stars will be awarded certificates.
E. All Exceptional Senior Contests shall be listed and any additions or deletions shall be approved by membership voting. (Originally we need to talk to sect. V Lacrosse Chair about accepting 8 seniors from our league).
F. Criteria for determining league champions:
a. League champions will be determined by win-loss record of league games only.
b. If two teams are tied for the league championship they will be determined co-champions.
c. League champions will be awarded a championship trophy each year.
G. The maximum number of contests will be determined by State and Sect. V rules.
March 2004