Jewelry Rule
March 5, 2014 - The NYSPHSAA has adopted the following universal jewelry rules to be enforced throughout each sports season including during the state tournament competition:
JEWELRY RULE: No jewelry, which includes visible body piecing objects, shall be worn in any sport. Any piece of jewelry that is visible at the start of or during a contest is in violation of the NYSPHSAA Jewelry Rule. Religious medals must be taped to the body and under the uniform. Medical medals must be taped to the body so they are visible. Soft, pliable barrettes are permissible, body gems are not. Metal barrettes are permissible in Girls Gymnastics only. NOTE: The sports of Bowling and Golf are exempt from this rule.?
In addition, be aware that Lacrosse Rule 1-10 prohibits jewelry as well. The case book situation 1.10.1 indicates that a player found wearing a leather choker should be given a non-releasable foul.