TinyMCE 4 Image Manager


This is a TinyMCE plugin that replaces the default one that comes with the editor and makes that editor more useful in CSMs by adding features to it. It makes it easier to added images when using the popular wysiwyg editor. This plugin only works with the updated and stylish TinyMCE 4 versions.

tinymce plugin wysiwyg html editor Images Manage Images CMS



  1. Unzip the file
  2. Open the file config.php and define the library path and url and also the permissions. There are comments in the php file to help you with this.
  3. Upload the files to the tinymce plugins' folder replacing the default image plugin


When using the editor, click on the icon to activate the dialog for this plugin.

1. Insert from Url

When you click on the icon to select this plugin you will be presented with a form like the one below.

2. Get from Library

When you click on the tab titled "Get from Library" you will be presented with the following.

3. Upload Now

When you click on the tab titled "Upload Now" you will be presented with the following.

4. Recent

These are images that you have uploaded or inserted from URL during the current session.

When you click on the tab titled "Recent" you will be presented with the following.