Aquinas - 7
Hilton - 9
1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Final
3 2 1 1   7
0 4 2 3   9

The book for Aquinas: Tano Auriuso (3g-1a), Carter Wegman (2g), Noah Olbrich (1g-2a), Jake Guggino (1g), Goaltending: Jake Gibson 12s/9ga = 57% (48 mins).

The book for Hilton: Gianluca Auriuso (1g-1a), Luke Schindler (2g), Mitchell Wise (2g-1a), Braydon Pike (1g), Anthony Mitrano (2g-1a), Tyler Reger (1g) Goaltending: Sam Guzzetta 10s/7ga = 59% (48 mins).