Greece Storm - 7
Canandaigua - 6
1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Final
 Greece Storm
1 0 3 2 1 7
1 2 0 3   6

The book for Greece Storm: Matthew Ranalletta (3g-2a), James Maccallini (2g-1a), Aiden Early (2g), Goaltending: Jonathan Bucciarelli 22s/6ga = 79% (51 mins).

The book for Canandaigua: Nate Sheridan (3g), Drew Williamee (1a), Sean Olvany (1g-1a), Mike Belles (1g), Jack Tanoory (1g), Ryan Bremer (1a), Alex Rheude (1a), Braden Gioseffi (1a) Goaltending: Jack Faiola 5s/7ga (48 mins).