2014-03-22 - Rush-Henrietta scored the first eleven goals in their 14-2 win over Livonia in the third game at Aquinas on the opening day of games. The Royal Comets controlled the majority of the game with 45% of their totals shots resulting in goals and 65% of their shots on cage. Leading in scoring were Brad Schillinger (1g-4a) and Nick Lenhard (2g-3a). In the cage, Corey Luty finished with 6 saves (75%) and Dylan Meyer played the final 10 minutes without facing a shot.
Jack Simpson (1g-1a) and Jonathan Mohnkem (1g) scored for the Bulldogs. John Stockslader finished the game with 6 recorded saves. Midfielder Zach Bishopp finished with a team leading six ground balls for Livonia.
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