
Player Stats

Stats for Ryan Griffin:   | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
team logo Ryan Griffin2017
SpencerportGrade: 10
Goal - #14

More Offensive Data

  Opponent Sht Son %On GBS Tks
  vs Gates Chili  (MC3) - - - 1 1
  at Ath/Ody  (MC3) - - - 3 1
  at Williamsville North  (NL) - - - 2 -
  vs Brockport  (MC3) - - - 3 -
  at Eastridge  (MC3) - - - 1 -
  vs HFL  (MC3) - - - 4 -
  vs Arc/Oly  (MC3) - - - 3 -
  at Gates Chili  (MC3) - - - 3 -
  vs Ath/Ody  (MC3) - - - 2 -
  vs Schroeder  (NL) - - - 5 -
  at Arc/Oly  (MC3) - - - 4 -
  at Brockport  (MC3) - - - 2 -
  vs Eastridge  (MC3) - - - 3 -
  at HFL  (MC3) - - - 4 -
  vs Brighton  (NL) - - - 3 -
  vs Gates Chili  (OB) - - - 1 -
  at Canandaigua  (Qtr) - - - 1 -
  TOTALS REPORTED 0 0 - 45 2

Goalie Data

  Oponent Score Svs GA % Svs Time
  vs Gates Chili  (MC3) W-13-12 5 12 29% 52
  at Ath/Ody  (MC3) W-14-10 6 10 38% 48
  at Williamsville North  (NL) W-13-5 9 5 64% 48
  vs Brockport  (MC3) W-15-5 11 5 69% 42
  at Eastridge  (MC3) W-19-9 4 8 33% 46
  vs HFL  (MC3) L-6-17 5 16 24% 47
  vs Arc/Oly  (MC3) W-19-11 7 11 39% 48
  at Gates Chili  (MC3) L-9-10 4 10 29% 48
  at Churchville-Chili  (NL) L-15-16 8 16 33% 48
  vs Ath/Ody  (MC3) W-16-11 3 11 21% 48
  vs Schroeder  (NL) L-7-12 8 12 40% 47
  at Arc/Oly  (MC3) W-15-6 3 6 33% 48
  at Brockport  (MC3) W-12-5 3 5 38% 48
  vs Eastridge  (MC3) W-11-8 2 8 20% 48
  at HFL  (MC3) L-7-17 7 17 29% 48
  vs Brighton  (NL) L-10-14 7 14 33% 48
  vs Gates Chili  (OB) W-18-5 4 5 44% 48
  at Canandaigua  (Qtr) L-7-19 9 18 33% 47
  TOTALS REPORTED 105 189 36% 857
  Average/Game 6 10  

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   on 09-27-2024
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.
Current Stat leaders

Scoring:   Zach Tortora with 39.

Assists:   Jayden Mandarano with 28.

Points:   Zach Tortora with 64.

Ground Ball:   Sean Baird with 54.

Takes:   Brody Kaye with 25.

The rest of the stats are on the Statistics Page..
