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Remote Learners and Athletics

In light of the current state of education, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association sent out an advisory yesterday to Section Executive Directors with an interpretation that affects student athletes who will receive remote only education this year.

NYSPHSAANew York Education Department regulations state:

"A pupil shall be eligible for interschool competition or inclusive athletic activities in a sport during a semester, provided that he is a bona fide student, enrolled during the first 15 school days of such semester, is registered in the equivalent of three regular courses, is meeting the physical education requirement, and has been in regular attendance 80 percent of the school time, bona fide absence caused by personal illness excepted."

The advisory states that after consultation with NYSED, the regulations allows a student who is a remote only student to play for school teams if they meet the requirements listed above.

NYSPHSAA Executive Director, Dr. Robert Zayas states, "Students who opt for a remote only education because of the COVID-19 crisis would be eligible for interscholastic athletics (when permitted) if they meet the Bona Fide student regulation above."

It is important to note that, as of August 10th, interscholastic athletics are still prohibited by state officials.

The full letter is available on the NYSPHSAA twitter account.
